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1909 NSU 2.5 PS Pictures

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1909 NSU 2.5 PS
A visitor to the site from Mexico has sent these great pictures in of his NSU. It has been in his family for many years, and has been trying to find out more information on the bike. Well we’ve had a great response from Axel Preuss ofMannheim, Germany. He has identified it as being a 1909 NSU 2.5PS with the following specification:

Model: NSU 2,5 PS
Year of manufaction: 1909 (only one year!)
Cylinder capacity: 315 ccm
Bore & stroke of cylinder: 52x74mm
Number of cylinders: 2
Gearbox: 2 gears
Weight: 60 kg
Top Speed: 70 km/h

He has also added the following observations:

“This bike seems to be pretty rare, it was only produced for one year, but I don´t have any production numbers of this bike. It seems to be very complete and original. I have one catalogue photo of it, the only difference that I can see is the colour, the saddle and the handlebars (these seems to be NSU 2 PS or 3 PS bars, which were produced between 1909-1911. The 2,5 PS bars are much flatter and more bent back than on this one, but this could be an export detail or customer special order).
On the gas tank in my photo, the name “NECKARSULM” was written in bold letters, which is the home city of NSU (Neckarsulmer Strickwaren Union). The photo is black and white, so I can´t see the original colour scheme, but on a model I’ve seen on a meeting, the tank was green with gold linings and text and the frame and fenders were black. I would probably leave the machine in this “storytelling” condition and wouldn´t restore it to show room condition.”

This sort of information is so appreciated – especially when owners have struggled to find out what they would lke to know. Many thanks Axel. If you can tell me more then drop me an email !

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1909
  • Decade: 1900s
  • Machine Type:

7 Responses to “1909 NSU 2.5 PS”

  1. I too have a similar looking chassis only of the bike above but not very sure.

  2. Bruce Williams on January 13, 2012 @ 11:25 am

    Contact Ralph Pflagman at Audi.de, Audi holds the NSU trademank and have archive information. Send frame number and motor number. I have a 1909 544cc single cylinder model, yours has the undergeared belt drive, the small rear pulley tells this. I have a 1909 catalog, also 1908 and 1910. A very rare machine.

  3. Raimo Ekman on March 11, 2012 @ 6:49 am

    Hello from Finland, friend of mine has a NSU 2.5PS 1911 project, it´s 312cc. The original motor #191xx has been lost and he has bought #147xx from Germany. Is this one from 1909? He has problems to assemble the belt and tighting mechanism onto engine, something might have been lost from the drive side of crankcase. He is very thankful, if any information or parts catalogue is available. He also has some other NSU projects and parts.

    • Bruce Williams on April 24, 2012 @ 7:54 pm

      I have a 1908, 1909, 1910 catalog, also 1095 and 1909 parts books. My machine appears to be a 1909, If you send me photos of your machine, I will try to identify it ant return some information.

    • I have a 1908 or 1909 NSU but know very little about it.
      I can send you a photograph if it would help.
      I would like a valuation etc.
      My e mail is j.f.t.t@btinternet.com and I will forward the photograph on receipt of your email.

  4. I to have a 1909 V Twin NSU motor only. I’m missing the complete timing chest,would love to have a pitcher so that I can replicate whats missing. The carb is missing as well, would love to borrow one to copy. Would make an extra one for the loner. I just bought the proper magneto on E Bay for it.

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