1922 Soyer 2 1/2hp Pictures
Add Your Photos!This bike, which belongs to my brother, is a one owner (before him) machine, unrestored and still runs beautifully. He’s not planning to restore it, it has too much history and looks like a 90 year old bike should look.
Many thanks to Chris Parrett for sending in this picture of his brother’s 1922 Soyer.
I own two of exactly the same bike as your brother (one is completely restored and running, the other is in the process of a technical overhaul) and I’d really appreciate to get in contact with him.
Could you please contact me under the following mail-address:
Check out this website to see my two bikes: http://www.soyer-motor.nl/
Click on the left hand side “Owner” and scroll down to “Thomas Motors”
Best regards,
Hello Chris Parrett.
Do you sell the Soyer 1922 bike?