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1927 Triumph Model W Pictures

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Thanks to Jim for sending this picture in.  It is believed to be a 1927 Model W but can anyone confirm?

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1927
  • Decade: 1920s
  • Machine Type:

6 Responses to “1927 Triumph Model W”

  1. Triumph model WS 277cc 1930 ……..finned head, seperate oil tank, saddle petrol tank

  2. alex smith on June 11, 2014 @ 12:20 am

    hi im restoring a 1927 triumph model w does anyone know where i would get any bits?anything considered

    • Alan Watkins on October 29, 2014 @ 6:29 am

      Hello Alex,I’ve just bought a 1927 model w, I haven’t received it yet,did you manage to find
      Any parts available?
      The bike is in excellent condition,but hasn’t run for many years,any advise on recomissioning
      Would be appreciated .
      Kind regards Alan

  3. I too am restoring a W. Is there any chance Jim could post a photo of the primary chain cover if it is original as mine is home made and want get a better one made.

  4. Hi Alan,
    If your primary chaincase cover is original I would really appreciate a photo of it so that I can get a decent copy made. So far I have had the magneto rebuilt and also the fuel tank was beyond repair so she has a brand new one. (flat type beneath tube though)
    Regards, Ian Slade

  5. I finished my 27 W earlier this year, I have done about 300 miles on it and am pleased with how it goes as long as you keep away from hills and don’t want to stop in a hurry.
    The hand change has no gate and a pain to find gears when changing down, and top gear postion is physically low on the bike.
    Spares are almost impossible to find, just keep looking, autojumbles, fleabay etc, if your front brake is the useless internal expanding band type it can be replaced by D1 bantam back plate and shoes with some fettling, dont make the brake work too well as the girders are not that strong and have been know to bend or snap under hard braking.
    The original chaincase has a bulge to clear the mag sprocket, there is video of my engine running on youtube, just search Triumph model w first run.

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