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1949 Triumph GP Pictures

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One of only 200 Triumph GPs, this was supplied to a New Zealand dealer in 1949.  It was raced there, and came back to the UK in the 1970′s when it’s owner emigrated.  It was found in 2004, after the death of it’s owner, dismantled in a shed where it had laid rusting for 30 years.  Since then, the bike has been completely rebuilt.  Here it is at the 2008 Festival of 1000 Bikes. The engine is fitted with 3134 racing cams and followers and a later one piece roller bearing crankshaft polished and balanced by Fred Cooper.  It has a compression ratio of 8.5:1 and the ignition is supplied by its original BTH TT magneto.  It now runs of 114 octane racing fuel.

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1949
  • Decade: 1940s
  • Machine Type:

4 Responses to “1949 Triumph GP”

  1. i dream of finding one, they are like hens teeth, nice example, you must be pleased withe the hard work you put into it… jim vmcc and tomcc member. i will look at the shows for it.. jim

  2. Do you know anything about Fred Cooper? He’s my wife’s grandfather

    • Hi Anglogalaico,
      Just reading up on GP’s and saw your comment regarding Fred Cooper being your wifes grandfather. I have Triumph 500 engine built by Fred in a manx frame etc. Let me know if you pick this up as your post was 5 years ago now ! Thanks Paul

      • Hi Paul! I really don’t even remember posting this comment! — Strange as I was looking at Triumph bikes just the other day (I quite like the look of the Bonnevilles!) and have never even owned anything more than a scooter! I’m guessing the Fred Cooper who built your bike is my wife’s grandad (would need to ask my MIL) but he used to race at Brooklands regularly and do some stunt riding. Do you have any pictures of your bike? Thanks for responding BTW.

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