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1955 DMW Trials Work Special Pictures

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A 197cc DMW Trials Work Special featuring the P-Type frame introduced in 1954.

  • Manufacturer: DMW
  • Model: Trials Work Special
  • Engine: 197cc Villiers 8E
  • Year: 1955
  • Decade: 1950s
  • Machine Type: Off-Road

5 Responses to “1955 DMW Trials Work Special”

  1. nigel Bodenham on May 30, 2013 @ 8:02 pm

    Dear Sir

    I have just found this image of this machine very similar to the one my father rode in the 1950s
    He was a works rider for DMW and rode in the scottish six days trial several times during the early 50s

    Do you have any information about the possible whereabouts of his machine if it still exists or has anybody heard of my father. His name was J.C.L. Bodenham and he lived in the West Midlands.

    Yours Sincerely

    Nigel Bodenham

    • Hi Nigel,

      I have a dmw very similar to the model above that I am restoring. Do you have any more information or photos of the these bikes?



      • nigel Bodenham on May 1, 2014 @ 7:18 pm

        Hi Joe

        Im afraid i dont have anything other than some good info on DMWs in the book by Don Morley

        called Classic British 2 stroke Trials bikes available on E Bay.

        Have you heard of a DMW museum in the west of england maybe Hereford?
        The man had several bikes one of which i think was my fathers.

        Good luck with the restoration project.


      • Hi Joe, did you finish your DMW?

    • George Haley on May 21, 2016 @ 4:48 pm

      I have a 250DMW which I am getting restored it was in the 62 and 63 Scottish ridden by Geordie Forbes. The original registration is down to Comerfords of Thames Ditton whether Forbes was riding for them or privately I am unsure.

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