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1963 Francis Barnett Fulmar Sports Pictures

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A very tidy Francis Barnett at the 2010 Festival of 1000 Bikes.

  • Manufacturer: Francis Barnett
  • Model: Fulmar Sports
  • Engine: 150ccc
  • Year: 1963
  • Decade: 1960s
  • Machine Type: Road

6 Responses to “1963 Francis Barnett Fulmar Sports”

  1. Eric Coates on April 22, 2016 @ 9:52 am

    Nice looking bike, in pristine condition, looks like new, well done .
    I owned a 1963 Sports Fulmar reg 11FRH 53yrs ago for 3 yrs.
    It was a great little bike with a 4 speed box and my pride and joy until I bought a car in 1966 and sold it to somerone in Hornsea East Yorks
    I’d be interested to know if it’s still around and if anyone knows of one for sale.

  2. Ian Harris on June 22, 2018 @ 11:05 pm

    I have MY original 1963 FB Sports Fulmar – reg 21HLC. It is in bits, but all there, waiting for me to retire to rebuild it.

    Might be willing to sell if price was right………

    • ERIC COATES on June 29, 2018 @ 4:11 pm

      Hi Ian, I might be interested in your 1963 sports Fulmar. Can you give me a bit more information about the condition of the various bits tinware, engine, wheels etc. It would be good if you could email some photos or send them on facebook. What sort of money are you thinking of for the bike. Best regards Eric

  3. ERIC COATES on June 29, 2018 @ 4:22 pm

    Hi Ian, Not sure if my first message went to you , but I’m interested in your Sports Fulmar. Can you email me photos or send on Facebook.Cheers Eric

    • Victoria Driver on August 5, 2018 @ 9:14 pm

      Just wondering who and where this bike is. This was my dad’s bike when he was 16. He is now nearly 73!!! He saved all his spending money to buy it and I know he would love to see it again in person. Please contact me so we can arrange a reunion if possible i know my dad would be so happy to see his old bike again thank you xxx

      • I used to own this bike in 1968. I paid £10 for it because the flywheel had come off the crankshaft damaging the crankshaft keyway and woodruff key. The previous owner was a workmate at Hattons BMC garage in Burnley, Lancashire. I remember he once went to Blackpool on it which is about 40 miles from Burnley and on the way back the teeth on the front sprocket stripped and he had to push it home. I sold it to a lad in Nelson, Lancs for £30 after a few months.

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