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1967 Triumph Bonneville T120 Pictures

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Here i am on my Triumph Bonneville which is his first Triumph, this Triumph is hi-fi Scarlet/white.
This picture was taken in St.Helier, Jersey.
This was Brought brand new from colebrooks old st.johns rd at the cost of £350.00 with extras.I still have the Guarantee and manual, also some spanners from the tool kit.
I owned this bike for 2 years. I had two crashes, and repaired it myself.
I have heard that it could be in Guernsey now,if the new owner happens to read this, if possible i would love to buy it again.
I know own a 2006 Triumph Bonneville T100 .

Regards Graham Whiteman

  • Manufacturer: Triumph
  • Model: Bonneville T120
  • Engine: 650
  • Year: 1967
  • Decade: 1960s
  • Machine Type: Road

2 Responses to “1967 Triumph Bonneville T120”

  1. Hi Graham,
    I have just acquired a March ’67 UK Bonnie. I read that it’s colour could have been aubergine and arctic white or red and black. Can you describe the colour scheme on yours? What shade of red was it? Did the mudguards have a stripe? Was the grey top seat an optional extra? Hope you get this.

  2. Hello Andy,

    The 1967 Model Year ran from approx. late August/early Sept 1966 through to late July/early August 1967; Engine/frame numbers were DU44394 to DU66245.
    As far as I’m aware, due to the rise of affordable motoring and motorcycles becoming somewhat unfashionable at home, the VAST majority of the factory’s 67 output was destined for export to the US. The American spec models were by far the prettier but, I believe, the ‘Home and General Export’ models are much the rarer which is why I’ve clung on to my 67 T120 for the last 34 years!
    According to most sources, the 1967 Model Year saw some changes, mid-season, to the 650s. There is reference to the Monoblocs being replaced by Concentric carbs after DU59320 but, as my bike (with engine number well beyond that) came with the older type Monos, I believe this change was implemented only on the single-carb 650s (TR6) at that engine number. Besides that, this was the last year of manufacture for the T120TT U.S. export model which, as far as I know, never had Concentrics as standard and it would seem strange to be fitting different types of carburetter, mid-season, to what was, basically, the same motor.
    The other, obvious, mid-season change to the T120 was the colour scheme due, I believe, to problems with the gold lacquer. In his, excellent, book “Bonnie: The Development History of the Triumph Bonneville” J.R. Nelson (former Service Manager at The Factory) makes reference only to the tank being finished in aubergine and gold with white separating lines; mudguards in aubergine with central gold stripe, lined white; oil tank, side panel etc. black but, as we can see from the picture above, Graham’s bike was finished in aubergine and white with gold lining (approx. eighth inch). His machine’s mudguards would have a central aubergine stripe (approx one and a quarter inch), lined gold. As far as I can make out, the Home/General Export 1967 T120s always had the division between the colours on the tank running up from the badge and over the knee-grips whereas on some of the, smaller-tanked, U.S. models the division runs down from the badge and under the knee-grip. Unfortunately, I’ve no idea at which engine number the colours were swapped around. The Triumph Owners’ Motor Cycle Club (TOMCC) may be able to assist on that score.
    The 1967 Home/General Export Bonnevilles had fitted, as standard, a re-profiled twinseat with “quilted” grey top, black sides, white piping. The U.S. competition models specified all-black seat covers.
    Bloody hell- hope that helps!!

    Check out this site for some, beautifully, restored (U.S.) models. If nothing else, it will point you in the direction of the correct colours for a 1967 Bonneville.


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