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1984 Kawasaki GPZ750 Turbo Pictures

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  • Manufacturer: Kawasaki
  • Model: GPZ 750 TURBO
  • Engine: 750cc
  • Year: 1984
  • Decade: 1980s
  • Machine Type: Road

5 Responses to “1984 Kawasaki GPZ750 Turbo”

  1. the bike of my dreams…

  2. want to ride the 750 turbo

  3. hi there im very sorry to be a pain but could i ask a favour :S if you could tell me the distance between the holes on the ignition cover (right hand side of the bike, a round cover with two bolts) (engine casing) it has one bolt on the top and one on the bottom. I came off my zr7 and am looking for a replacment but cant find one to fit :( and was hoping mabyr a gpz one would and if the holes are the dame distance apart i can buy a gpz one :D:D i would really apreciate your help :D

  4. A moto dos meus sonhos.
    The bike of my dreams.

  5. I have three of them.They are BRILLIANT even by today’s standards

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