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Francis Barnett Trials Pictures

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6 Responses to “Francis Barnett Trials”

  1. Larry Trenary on August 24, 2014 @ 5:32 am

    Beautiful. Bike is it a 1955 197cc if it is do you known. What the value. Is I have one that was my father’s. Used to ride it when I was young has missing. Carburetor will try digging. It out to get a picture. To post enough said thanks any information. Would. Be appreciated

  2. This Bike is an AMC 250cc engined F/B Trials 82 1959/62 Pretty original as well!

  3. JASteigers on May 16, 2015 @ 3:52 am

    My Dad has two. Fairly sure it’s the same. Rode when I was very young in the early 60s. What a beast! Been sitting idle in the basement 40+ years now. Trying to find more info. Thanks.

  4. John Sturgeon on February 20, 2016 @ 9:04 am

    Hi my brother had one in 1975/80s first bike reg no ###bp did see it at fb club stand classic off road show about 10 years ago

  5. Hi I have owned a Model 82 Scramber since September 1963 from a Mr Freddy Frith who demonstrated wheelies on at his garage on Victoria Street Grimsby before we bought it. The AMC engine replaced with a 9E Villiers from Barry Ladlow at Laceby in the seventies. The bike is road worthy, taxed and tested but not ridden enough (sadly). I’ve Trialed it in the sixties and pre 65 ‘ve it in the eighties but now geared it for the road.

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