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1954 NSU Renmax and 1955 Sportmax Racers Pictures

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Many thanks to Rudi Senghaas for this picture of a pair of NSUs seen at an Audi-Exhibition at the Audi-Forum in Neckarsulm.  And thanks to Peter Tarn for the information on the identity of the bikes. The nearer one is a 249cc Rennmax twin from 1954. This was the second of the two (very different) Rennmax twin racers produced by NSU’s competition department. The far one is a 1955 Sportmax 247cc single production racer, using an extensively strengthened Max engine. The cycle parts of both machines were more-or-less identical, but the Rennmax can be identified by its having two exhaust pipes, and by the sculptural shaping of the alloy fuel tank to clear the right-hand-side carburetor. The term “Blauwhal” applies to the fairing fitted to the 1954 bikes during the second half of that season. The factory decided to paint the fairings blue on works bikes only, but reverted to silver for the production run of Sportmax models the following year.

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1954
  • Decade: 1950s
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