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1912 ABC Pictures

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This was the first ABC built in the aero sheds at the Brooklands circuit in the winter of 1912 -13. In August 1914, the Royal Flying Corp took over Brooklands, and gave everyone 24 hours to leave. ABC relocated to Hersham where they stayed until 1920. At this time the factory had moved on to the ABC made by Sopwith and Kingston upon Thames.

  • Manufacturer: ABC
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1912
  • Decade: 1910s
  • Machine Type: Race

4 Responses to “1912 ABC”

  1. I watched this bike run wide onto the rumble strip on the exit of the hairpin. The bumps upset the bike so much it shook its drive belt off! It’s still off in your pictures, which are very good by the way, Nigel.

  2. G’day Nigel
    Made in 1912 my eye!
    It’s made up of mostly 1920′s Douglas parts using an ABC engine, most probably a stationary motor.
    I hope the owners are not trying to pass it off as original?

    • admin-pictures on July 16, 2011 @ 4:09 pm

      Hi Howard,
      it was a display item as part of the Brooklands Museum stand at the show. I shall be visiting them sometimes soon and will make some enquiries….

    • Had been searching for early photos of ABC motorbikes since ABC were in the Village I was born in. Howards comments were somewhat Brusque to put it mildly,ABC went on to be a successful company producing more than a few good motor bikes

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