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1912 Harley Davidson Pictures

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Thanks to Pete Letsinger for this old picture of his grandfather and his date. He believes the picture was taken near Tipton, Indiana.

And thanks to Leon for pointing out that this looks like a 1912 model.

He says “1911 was the first year of quantity production for the twin, but this one has chain drive and an enclosed magneto (visible behind the rider’s left calf) so is 1912-on. It still has pedals, and since I can’t see a gear change lever on the tank-top I’d say it’s a 1912, 1913 or 1914 single-speed 60 cubic inch (1000 cc), making it a model X8E, 9E or 10E depending on the year. The clutch (in the back hub I think) was operated by either the pedal at the front of the left foot board, or the hand lever mostly concealed in the photo by the rider’s leg. You can make out the rod that joins them together running from the lower part of the hand lever (under the rider’s thigh), past the magneto to join the foot pedal”

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1912
  • Decade: 1910s
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