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1959 DKR Defiant Pictures

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One of the most interesting machines I saw at the 2007 Stinkwheel.  It is a 1959 DKR Defiant scooter – British made 197cc machine with electric start and four speed gearbox,

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1959
  • Decade: 1950s
  • Machine Type:

18 Responses to “1959 DKR Defiant”

  1. John Couzens on December 4, 2011 @ 8:43 am

    Dear Sir,
    many years ago as a teenager I had a DKR Defiant as pictured. Now retired I have a Vespa but hanker for the DKR. Do you have a link to wherever I might be able to advertise to purchase one to bring to Australia. Any condition.
    I have been on Bonham’s email list for three years for no result.
    Hoping you can advise,
    John Couzens

    • John,
      This is definately a rare machine now. They do not come on the open market usually although a 1957 Dove, in need of tlc, sold on e-bay for over £1500 last year.The only one I have seen for sale! Indeed body parts are even harder to find, I have been trying to find a whole new front for my Pegasus for several years.

      • Mike Marks on May 23, 2014 @ 4:25 pm


        I have recently had the front nose cone halves and dash top moulds made, I am now looking at making moulds for the knee guards. please let me know if you need a fibreglass front end

        • mick pearson on August 29, 2014 @ 11:20 am

          would anyone now where i could get any panel beading from, I have a dkr manx 250 had it from new 1959 vespa and lambretta beading no good different profile 29/8/2014

          • I have used Austin Somerset wing beading not sure how it compares to original but works ok

          • woollies car upholstery supplies do beading..p profile which has a big flange and is available in various colours looks very much original when fitted

          • Chris Haddon on October 27, 2014 @ 7:05 pm

            Hi Mick. Do you still have the DKR? Looking to photograph one for a new book. Do contact me on 07792 515056 if you’re interested. Best regards Chris

        • Dear All,

          I just bought a DKR Pegasus. But I’m missing the left rear panel (the one you need to remove to get acces to the engine).

          Does anybody has one for sale? I want to pay a good price.

          Looking forward to hear from you.
          Best regards,

          • I managed to get hold of fibreglass panels for my Manx. The flange section is wider, but can be cut down.

    • just seen your post,,don’t know if you found one but Trojan cars in portsmouth uk. has a Pegasus for sale at 5995 gb sterling for sale if you are still interested…

  2. Moulds for the DKR knee guards are now complete

  3. mick pearson on August 29, 2014 @ 11:16 am

    would anyone now where i could get any panel beading from, I have a dkr manx 250 had it from new 1959 vespa and lambretta beading no good different profile 29/8/2014

  4. Renald Bezzina on January 30, 2015 @ 5:52 pm

    Hi, I have a DKR Pegasus, in Malta. Unfortunately I am missing the head light and tail light. As I am well aware it is very difficult to get hold of these scooter parts, and was wondering if anyone might suggest an alternative. Maybe a firm which can do them from scratch??

  5. Before going over to a motorcycle i had scooters, first a Vespa then a Lambretta and finally a DKR. The DKR was by far the best for handling and comfort, happy memories finding this page

  6. Bas Bierens on August 30, 2015 @ 6:40 pm

    Dear All,

    I’m selling my DKR Pegasus. It is in a very good condition. It is only missing the left rear enginecover. If you are intressted than please send me a mail to bbierens@ziggo.nl
    Location the Netherlands.

    Best regards,
    Bas Bierens

  7. Michael smith on March 25, 2021 @ 8:49 pm

    I have a complete DKR Defiant. . It’s currently having a new exhaust system made based on the original system, however made from stainless steel. The rest of the machine is completely standard and unrestored.

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