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1982 Triumph Bonneville T140 Royal Wedding Pictures

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Thanks to Ole Nielsen for these pictures of his 1982 Triumph Bonneville Royal Wedding Limited Edition. Only 250 of these were produced with 125 going to the U.S. and 125 to the UK.  This one is a US spec model.

  • Manufacturer:
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  • Year: 1982
  • Decade: 1980s
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65 Responses to “1982 Triumph Bonneville T140 Royal Wedding”

  1. I own a 1982 Bonneville Royal in pristine condition. Would like to correspond with other owners of this bike, Bruce Hunt

    • Good Morning Bruce,
      I just purchased a Royal from Baxter Cycle in Marne Ia. and is a one owner it seems with 4,000 miles on it and is original (No Restoration). I drove it this past weekend at Baxter’s and it was great to be back on a “Vintage”. I own a 2011 T-100 (White on Black) and it’s great but,,,,,,,,not a vintage. I’ve been driving Triumph’s since I was 15 and am 60 now so this is a treat. Electric start works perfectly and E ignition is a treat. The Bing carbs take a bit of getting used to vs Amal but what can you expect from BMW carbs on a British machine. LOL. Randy Baxter told me what to do to liven them up and retune them which entails the carbs being sent to Bing themselves. I will do so to keep the bike original but Amal MkII’s were suggested as an alternative.
      This unit does not have a Royal Wedding data plate on the bars stanchion but is one of the 125 imported. It does have the Royal markings and is configured “Low Bars” which I found to be very comfortable during my drive which was lengthy for a test drive but,, I came from Fla. to purchase it so a long ride was in order.
      Can’t say enough good things about Baxter’s, period!
      Jeremy (Sales Guru) has put up with me for 2 weeks and my incessant questions with complaint.
      They are bringing the beauty to Barber next week for me to pick up.
      Look foreward to talking to you and will post pictures when I get it home.

      • Without Complaint I mean. Typo

      • Frank, do you still have your Royal and are you still running the Bings ? I went through the process of having them rebuilt and rejetted by Bing in Kansas and the bike is performing very well. Still riding it occasionally and very close to 9 K original miles. Was at a stop light the other day and a young fellow on a later model Triumph pulled up next to me saying ” never seen one like that” I just smiled and told him there are not that many. Bruce Hunt.

      • Looking forward to seeing the pics of your bikes Frank, and glad to hear things are better! Bruce Hunt.

    • Frank on October 2, 2013 @ 12:34 pm

      Good Morning Bruce,
      I just purchased a Royal from Baxter Cycle in Marne Ia. and is a one owner it seems with 4,000 miles on it and is original (No Restoration). I drove it this past weekend at Baxter’s and it was great to be back on a “Vintage”. I own a 2011 T-100 (White on Black) and it’s great but,,,,,,,,not a vintage. I’ve been driving Triumph’s since I was 15 and am 60 now so this is a treat. Electric start works perfectly and E ignition is a treat. The Bing carbs take a bit of getting used to vs Amal but what can you expect from BMW carbs on a British machine. LOL. Randy Baxter told me what to do to liven them up and retune them which entails the carbs being sent to Bing themselves. I will do so to keep the bike original but Amal MkII’s were suggested as an alternative.
      This unit does not have a Royal Wedding data plate on the bars stanchion but is one of the 125 imported. It does have the Royal markings and is configured “Low Bars” which I found to be very comfortable during my drive which was lengthy for a test drive but,, I came from Fla. to purchase it so a long ride was in order.
      Can’t say enough good things about Baxter’s, period!
      Jeremy (Sales Guru) has put up with me for 2 weeks and my incessant questions without complaint.
      They are bringing the beauty to Barber next week for me to pick up.
      Look foreward to talking to you and will post pictures when I get it home.

      • Bruce Hunt on June 26, 2014 @ 3:50 pm

        Recently saw an ’82 Royal on ebay. I still have mine and I did make contact with the new owner of the ebay
        Royal. So I suppose I know where 3 of the bikes are now !

  2. Hi ..there is much confusion over these models.. The bike in the picture is a “Royal” and not a “Royal Wedding” Royal Wedding bikes are all individually numbered with a plate on the headstock. 125 US spec bikes & 125 UK models were made but they look very different from the above bike…It’s still nice though :)

    “Royal Wedding Bonneville US” below


  3. ian garfield on June 3, 2011 @ 10:09 am

    does anyone know just why ROYAL WEDDING does not seem to appear on any of the ROYAL WEDDING side panels ?….just ROYAL.!…YET, the black fuel tank with gold pin-stripes which also have ROYAL on the side panels are not considered to be ROYAL WEDDING motorcycles

    • my dad had a uk spec royal wedding the same(PCA ***Y)as the one on the cover of haynes manual that had royal wedding on the side panel badges i’m sure.
      I’ve just seen one the same for sale in Preston never used a bargain at £12000 i would love to buy it,my Dad used his all weathers for bike rallies but looked after it,Harley owners use to drool over it LOL,i like lots of older bikes and the royal wedding chrome and blue is the most beautiful and special bike i can think of

    • Hi Ian,

      I don’t know why the name “Royal wedding” never appeared on the sidepanels but a real “Royal Wedding” has a plate on the headstock describing it as a “Royal Wedding” bike

  4. Gentlemen,

    I also own a 1982 Bonneville Royal T140LE and agree with Dexter regarding the confusion about these models. My Triumph Owner’s Handbook states “The Bonneville Royal Limited Edition 29th July 1981, American and UK Versions”. On page 3 is a picture of the Bonneville Royal European Edition, with page 4 showing a picture of the Bonneville Royal American Edition.

    The model I have is the UK (European) version similar to the one pictured above.

    Both versions have side-panels with plastic “Bonneville Royal 1981″ on their sides. These badges were in addition to a “Royal Wedding 1981″ cap over the petrol tank’s central mounting-bolt. Both machines have a Palace-approved special head-stem plate showing the machine’s Limited Edition number, and stating “In Celebration of the Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer”.

    A test report on the U.S. version can be found in the April 2000 issue 108 of Classic Bike Guide, with a test report on the U.K. version in the March 2004 issue 155 of Classic Bike Guide.

  5. Peter OBrien on February 9, 2012 @ 12:06 pm

    I have a genuine royal wedding uk model with plate and number on steering head in australia still all original and has been ridden to shows only has royal on side covers limited edition and royal wedding badge on tank please reply to email as love to know how many left


  6. Can anyone help tell me where I could find the value of a 1982 Triumph Royal Wedding edition? Where would I find people who might be interested in purchasing this bike? Thank you.

  7. I have tried many times to find out how many Royals were made and finally found your info.
    I have a 1982 Royal that I purchased brand new in 1982 from what was then the local dealer P & G Cycle in South Beloit, IL. Unfortunately the bike never ran right, I had trouble with the Amal/Bing carbs and clutch was always sticky. I even had the head redone so it wouls run on unleaded gas but it still never ran right.
    It has been sitting in my shop for at least 15 years partially torn apart and I figured it was time to try to resurrect it. I am going to try Kehin PWK carbs and an Alto brand clutch set and see if that does the trick. I will let you know the outcome.

  8. I Have a 1982 Triumph Bonneville Royal L.E. and am still trying to find out how many of this model were imported to the U.S. Thanks for the help !

  9. Bruce Hunt on April 1, 2014 @ 4:42 pm

    I have been trying to find out how many of these bikes were imported and the number seems to be 125. Still trying to verify this via national archives website.

  10. I am happy to report that my 82 Royal moved under its own power July 13th 2014, I was somewhat amazed that after all this time I found all the parts. It idles well but when I give it gas it hesitates. Carbs are my weakness so I am going to call Steadfast Cycles where I bought the carbs to see what they suggest. It was a great feeling to ride the bike again after all this time but a bit disappointing that it did not run correctly, I will sort it and report back.

    • Bruce Hunt on July 14, 2014 @ 3:32 pm

      I finally got my Bing/Amals sorted courtesy of Bing in Kansas, and the bike runs well. Just got off of it a few minutes ago. The Bings were never jetted correctly (to meet US epa regulations) The carbs are original and I want to keep the bike as original as possible, so I spent about $ 650 getting the carbs rebuilt and rejetted by Bing. Runs better than it ever did now. Bruce Hunt.

  11. Bruce,
    I tried to do the same thing but the Royal just didn’t like the Bings.
    Went to plan B (AMAL MK II’s) from Baxter cycle and it was like a miracle healing. Run’s like a Bonneville is supposed to.
    Minor things needed like cables and air box adjustments but nothing that would alter the originality of the beauty.
    I of course kept the Bings and all associated lines, clamps, etc. for originality if ever needed but this beauty will go when I go.
    BTW I have the 2014 T 100 Bonneville SE (Special Edition) commemorative to this beauty and the last Bonneville of the Meriden assembly line now also. They make quite a pair together. The Royal just was judged Best in Class at the Riding into History show at St Augustine.
    I was shocked and appreciative. They both were in the show and commanded huge crowds all day.
    Don’t know anyone else who has been this lucky, as me. Thanks to Baxter cycle and Triumph corporate personnel.
    Cheers and Regards

  12. John Picarello on July 23, 2014 @ 4:18 pm

    Hi, I just came across this site this morning & was excited to read of other proud Royal owners. I own a 1982 model which looks exactly like the one pictured above. I bought it new in March of 1982 at Frank Marmo’s Cycle shop in Paterson, NJ.I agree there is a lot of confusion between the 1981 model & the 1982 but both are rare bikes.When I purchased mine at the dealer I was told that it was made in honor of the Royal Wedding & would one day be a collector’s item.I was also given a regular Triumph gas tank mounting hole plug in addition to the Royal one that came with the bike & told to never leave the Royal one on the bike when it would be unattended for awhile because if it were ever stolen I may never be able to find one again. So I have kept the Royal plug safe in my nightstand for years!

    • Bruce Hunt on July 23, 2014 @ 9:17 pm

      Thanks for posting John, Now I know the whereabouts of another Royal Edition bike. That makes about 5 (five) so there should still be about 120 left to discover here in the U.S. !

      • Ole Nielsen on May 23, 2017 @ 9:13 pm

        Hi Bruce It’s a little late I see this page again after many
        Year i have one of the machines that came to usa it was sent to Denmark and here i still had some trouble with bing caburatore but it turned out to be a cylinder head that was leaking when it got fixed it drove with then there were problems with Electric start draw ignition hit back if there was not enough power on the machine but it was done with trispark ignition from australia it can turn on 6-8v when using power start so now run it just fine
        Ole Nielsen Denmark

  13. Wanted to post an update.
    I am still trying to sort the PWK carbs out, its still hesitating mid range and running rich. I moved the needle clips to the top groove today, it ran better but still not quite there. Have some smaller main jets on the way from Steadfast cycle, will see how they work and report back. At least I did get to ride it for a while.

  14. I will add some pictures of both when I Figure out how to attach them to this site. I have used the ” Add your Pictures” tab but nothing happens. Maybe because I’m not home and using webmail.
    Will try this weekend.
    I think its pretty neat that we are communicating like this about these unique and rare British machines.
    I have been riding them for over 40 years and still have never wanted anything else.
    It defined my youth to a point. I’m still young albeit at heart but ride at every opportunity.

  15. I followed the link posted by Dexter and while reading thru the Triumph history I found these production quantity numbers posted for the Royal Wedding Edition,

    “T140D 1981 Royal Wedding Edition (Black & Chrome 156. Blue & Chrome 276. Total 432.).”

    Dexter stated there were 125 made of each model but this says different. Here is the link


    The numbers are posted below the picture of the Brit Royal. Maybe we will never know the true production numbers.

    • Hi Mike

      Just jumped back here after a few years and amazed to see loads more comments and what seems like a lot of interest in these bikes..

      Are you still getting confused between the “Royal Wedding Bonneville” and the “Royal Bonneville” do you think..they are different bikes Does the below help.. Anyway whatever you have both are extremely rare bikes!

      “The T140LE stood for ‘Limited Edition’ and each came with an owner’s certificate signed by the dealer and chairman of Triumph. Just 250 ‘Royal Wedding’ Bonnevilles (with special finishes for the 125 US and 125 UK models) were built to commemorate the 1981 marriage of Lady Diana Spencer and Charles, Prince of Wales.[30] The UK version had a silver-grey painted frame and black finished engine whilst the export version had grey seat top covers and a highly polished engine with silver painted barrels. Whilst both had electric starting, Bing carburretors, ULO turn indicators and Marzocchi Strada gas-oil rear shock absorbers as standard, the UK version also had American-made ‘Morris’ alloy wheels and twin front discs. Both versions’ petrol tanks were chromed but finished differently: the 4 gallon UK tank featured a plain Triumph badge with black scallops echoing the side panel colour; the 2 gallon export tank had the old ‘picture frame’ Triumph badge and had gold-lined, ‘smoked’ blue scallops that matched the side panel colour. The fixing point for both types of tank to the frame was covered by a badge that read “Royal Wedding 1981″ whilst both side panels bore the legend, ‘Bonneville’, ‘Royal’ and ’1981′ with stylised Prince of Wales’s feathers, symbol of the Prince of Wales .[25]

      There were also Royal Bonnevilles exported to the USA to the specification of Triumph Motorcycles America. These were like UK Royals but with black frames and gold-lined, black tanks. The stylised Prince Of Wales’s feathers on their side panel badges were retained next to the word ‘Royal’ but the ’1981′ date was deleted. Their engines were finished in black like the UK version but with polished covers like the US version.”

  16. After what Frank said about adding pictures I have put together website dedicated to the Bonneville Royal, please take a look and let me know what you think. I would like to get pictures and info on other owners bikes so please use this link
    to contact me or there is the same link on the Owners Page.

  17. Just realized I did not include the link to my website on the Royals, DUH, here it is. Please have a look and let me know what you think…………


    I need more pictures and info of Royal owners bikes both US and UK versions.

  18. John Picarello on August 4, 2014 @ 10:28 pm

    Just wondering…does everyone else’s bike have an EXTREME lean when using the kickstand?

    • The side stand on my 82 Royal is not so bad but I had to modify the one on my 72 TR6C because it leaned so far over it looked like the bike was about to fall over. With the help of my buddies oxy acetylene torch and a big tube we fixed. It looks a bit strange when its down but I don’t care, its a lot more functional.

  19. John Picarello on August 19, 2014 @ 2:08 pm

    Just thought you would all like to know, Real Classic magazine ran a cover story on the Triumph Royal in June 2006. There is a nice article with some very nice photos. The magazine is still available on their website- http://www.realclassic.co.uk When you are on the homepage, click on the “magazine” tab & then “order back issues”. Scroll down towards the bottom of the page & click on “issues 1 – 49…”, & then scroll down to issue 26, June 2006. John

  20. Will the real Bonneville Royal stand up.
    After receiving a message from Dexter I am now somewhat confused as to what exactly a US version of the bike looks like. He mentions a Royal and a Royal Wedding version and I didn’t know there was a difference. I did some investigating on Google images and came up with these pictures.

    1. This one is titled “Bonneville Royal Limited Edition http://www.classic-british-motorcycles.com/images/RoyalWedding.jpg
    2. This one was auctioned off by Bonhams and is titled as a Royal Wedding version http://www.bonhams.com/auctions/20144/lot/512/
    3. This one is titled “ 1982 Triumph Bonneville Royal Wedding Edition – Rare One of 95 Imported”, notice the different seat http://tenwheel.com/view/14999-1982_triumph_bonneville_royal_wedding_limited_edition___rare_one_of_95_imported.html

    Which is the real Royal Wedding Edition ?

  21. My Royal is still running beautifully and just turned 8700 miles. Took a long time to get the Bings sorted and working correctly. I will have my son help with posting pics soon. My Royal is all stock and mostly original. The exceptions being new Dunlop tires and a correct repaint by Don Hutchinson Cycle. Don also replaced alot of wear items and has provided many replacement parts. He does not stock any Bing parts, but if your bike still has Bings parts are available from thier facility in Kansas. Let’s all try to stay connected through this site and help eachother out with finding parts etc. Bruce Hunt in CT. USA

  22. Just wanted to remind everyone I still want pix of your Royals for my website dedicated to them, as of right now the only pix I have are of mine. Here is the link to my website…..


    And here is the direct link to the form to use to contact me……..


    I look forward to hearing from you and getting more pix.

  23. Bruce sent me some pictures of his Royal and I have added them to my website, here is the link….


    I am still looking for more pictures of owners bikes, please contact me thru my Royal website at…..



  24. John P of Macungie, PA sent me some pix of his Royal and I have posted them on my website….


    Also, I have posted ads on several Craigslist sites in the UK to try to find some owners of the UK version of the Royal, I will let you know if I get any replies.
    I still need pix from anyone with a US Royal, contact me thru my website….


  25. Ok Bruce,
    Just got back from the Triumph sponsored Vintage Festival at Birmingham at the Barber Motor Sports facility.
    The Royal and my 2014 T 100 SE Bonneville commemorative to it were featured at the Triumph pavilion and facility. What an honor and thrill for my wife and I and the Royal turned heads throughout the 4 days it was there.
    I will upload some pics as I have a bushel basket full now, in the next day or so.
    Cheers to all!

  26. I have started a new section on my website dedicated to the Royals called “Hints & Tips”. There is a tip on there on gas from Bruce H. If anyone has any other tips please send them to me thru the contact form on my website.
    The hints & tips page is at …….


    I am still looking for more pictures from owners, especially anyone with a UK version, please contact me thru my website at….



  27. Thru an ad I placed on a UK classified ad site I have been contacted by John Hallard of Meriden Motorcycles who informed me that he had a UK Royal coming in for sale. After he sent me some pictures of it I have now discovered there were three models of the Royal. He in turn put me in touch with Erum Waheed who he said is THE MAN when it comes to Meriden Triumphs. I have updated my Royal website with info on the three Royals. Take a look at


    I will post more info and pix as I get them.

  28. I finally tracked down the owner of a UK spec Royal, he is located in Queensland, Australia. I have added his info and pix of his bike on my Royal website. Have a look at ……


    I’m still looking for pix of other owners bikes. Someone named Frank posted on here that he had one. Frank and any other owners, I would really like to have some pix for my website. Contact me thru the link on my homepage………


  29. I have responded to Mike with the promise of as many pics as you all can stand of a Royal. LOL. As soon as he gets back to me with instructions on how to get them to his site it’ll be done. I tried a few months ago and then my wife became gravely ill. She has recently recovered enough so I am not a constant care giver so I now have time to devote to this and this unique machine and you all. I look forward to communicating with you all.
    FYI I also have a 2014 Special Edition Bonneville commemorative to the Royal and last Coventry Bonneville produced by Meriden Triumph. Long special story that Triumph and Baxter Cycle in Marne, Ia. facilitated. Lots of pics of it and it together with the “Royal”.
    Cheers to all.
    Frank in Florida

    • I received Franks pix and am in the process of sorting them and putting them in an album. I will then build a webpage with Franks details and a link to his pix. When I’m done I will post an update.

  30. I have added the pictures of Franks Royal to my Royal website, click on the following link to go to the owners page.


    Frank says he has more to come.

  31. peter obrien on March 27, 2015 @ 10:26 am

    Hi guys I last comented 3 years ago my 1981 royal bonnie uk version still only has 1000ks on it and is original has chrome tank and plate on steering head plus ownership cert and manuals 1 of 250 uk versions

  32. John Picarello on May 2, 2015 @ 6:41 pm

    Hi all, I have a question regarding the red wire that goes to the tail light socket. The bare, stranded wire end of mine goes into the cylinder shaped opening & is bent around…thats it! It’s a very bad & loose “connection”. I have electrical tape keeping it in place but I’d like to hear from others how the wire is attached on their bikes.I don’t believe it was ever soldered on, so I think there was probably some type of connector on the end of the wire that somehow fell off. A photo would be a great help too! Thanks, John

  33. John,
    Those are classic Triumph “Bullet” connectors that were soldered to the red wire, albeit cold in many cases.
    If you can get another bullet use some bare non soldered part of the wire and feed it through the tip of the bullet which should have a hole in it big enough to feed the wire through, unbraid and spread the wire around the bullet tip and then simply push the bullet and wire through the barrel connection. Provided of course the barrel connection is still there.
    Hoped that helped.

    Sent from my iPad

    On May 3, 2015, at 3:36 AM, Classic and Vintage Motorcycles wrote:

    There is a new comment on the post “1982 Triumph Bonneville T140 Royal Wedding”.
    Author: John Picarello
    Hi all, I have a question regarding the red wire that goes to the tail light socket. The bare, stranded wire end of mine goes into the cylinder shaped opening & is bent around…thats it! It’s a very bad & loose “connection”. I have electrical tape keeping it in place but I’d like to hear from others how the wire is attached on their bikes.I don’t believe it was ever soldered on, so I think there was probably some type of connector on the end of the wire that somehow fell off. A photo would be a great help too! Thanks, John

    See all comments on this post here:

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  34. G`day all, I live in Adelaide Australia, I don`t have a Royal .. Wedding as yet, but thought I would drop a line & let all concerned that two of my friend have UK Royal Weddings with the Lester Mags, chrome & Black Tanks. The first one is owned by Harvey who is 83 & brought his when it was 6 months old. A young lad had brought it new, but did not have license, he was only 16 & I believe his parents took it away from him.Harvey has purchased a set of Executive Panniers & fitted them to the Royal, I am not shore what Klm`s it has done, but I know the bike is in his shed with about 80 other motorcycles & has not been ridden in about 15 + years..( I may end up with it )
    Bike No 2 is owned by Brian, he brought it from an Old Gentle Man about 5 years ago, in Sydney, has only ridden it a few times & now has it up for sale ( $12,000 )..
    Like other owners, their is questions about how many were made & the all black one`s that were made in 82 & call Royal & the comment about 3 models being made which I think is the case.. ( I have not looked at any of the links as yet ) as you have the UK model with mag wheels, triple dics & chrome & black tank. The US has Blue & chrome Slim Line Tank, wire wheels & a seat that is …. Then there is the Black & gold pinstripe,mag wheels model & looks good, did not know about this one until one showed up on E-bay in Melbourne, this year. It is great to read that they are going to be around for years to come, not like the Yellow Tiger, I know most of the ones that came here were changed to standed Bonnies.. Hope my comments have been positive you know were 2 more are..


    • Daryl,
      Great to hear from you and hear your stories of the two Royals. Please check out my website dedicated to the Royals where you will find information on model variations, production numbers, other owners etc. If possible can you also send the link to the two owners you mention as I would like to contact them and maybe get some info and pix of their bikes for my website.

      Website is at http://yampyweb.com/royal/index.html


  35. George Christie on January 18, 2016 @ 10:45 pm

    The 1982 Royal Bonneville was made for Triumph Motorcycles America and as far as I have found only 1 batch off 50 were exported to the US.
    They were slow sellers so TMA did not order any more.
    I have re-imported one from California to Scotland as it is the rarest of all the Royals but unfortunately TMA did not request them to be marked with a special edition VIN plates like the other versions and they have normal sequentially numbered Meridan Triumph plates.

  36. My Royal is for sale. If you are interested you can View the pics here on this site. Bruce H. in CT. Get the full description by contacting Bruce Hunt at 860-964-0699 Thanks.

  37. After blowing the engine in my Royal last year that was the last straw, I have spent too much money, time, work and effort. I gave myself a cooling down period to make sure I did not want to fix it and after being contacted by someone thru my Royal website I decided to sell it AS IS. At the moment I cannot say who bought it but it has gone out of the country, well it was picked up February 19th 2016 and is heading out.
    I will continue to maintain my website at http://yampyweb.com/royal/index.html , do research on the Royals and look for other owners. Keep me updated on your bikes thru the website.

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