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Delivery Consignment of 1930s FN Motorcycles Pictures

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Thanks to Dave Martin for this picture.  From the folded handlebars it seems to be a consignment of new bikes in someone’s back yard.  And thanks to Wiebe and Leon for identifying the bikes as FNs from the late 1930s. On the right is probably an M86 (500/600 cc OHV), with an M11 (500/600 cc SV) beside it. I suspect the woman is sitting on another M11. The bike on the far left is probably an M71 (350cc SV) which, unlike its big brothers, has a small front brake on the right.

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  • Decade: 1930s
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One Response to “Delivery Consignment of 1930s FN Motorcycles”

  1. Jay Ipson’s father Isroel Ipp an attorney, survived the Holocaust. Because his passport identified him as a Jew, he had to remain in his hotel room to avoid attack. Soon after his return to Lithuania, enactment of new racial laws prohibited him from continuing his law practice, so he opened a motorcycle business.. Here is a photo of Isroel’s wife, Eta Ipp, posing with his motorcycles in 1939. Jay, came to the US at age 12. He was the co-founder of Virginia Holocaust Museum and since been ousted. Jay Ipson found supporters from all walks of life, including motorcycle enthusiasts, who held a rally in his honor. They changed their name when they came to the states from Ipp to Ipson.

    All information was found on the History of the Holocaust website.

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