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Honda CD175 Pictures

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Thanks to Barry Cooper for these pictures of his CD175.  He bought it as a rusty heap and has recently restored it. The exhausts were eaten away with rust, and the engine and wheels had been painted with aluminium paint. Barry has fitted new tyres & tubes, all the ignition system as it was not running well at all, sourced an ultrasonic carburettor off ebay, fitted new indicators, stripped and polished all alloy and repaired and painted all metal work. Barry used to own one of these bikes 28 years ago so just wanted to rescue it and take a trip down memory lane….

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2 Responses to “Honda CD175”

  1. Pásztor Tamás on July 9, 2011 @ 1:13 pm

    Dear Barry
    I am Tamás Pásztor an electro ingenieur from Budapest, Hungary. I would like to ask You, please explain me what type of carburettor do You apply in your CD175 bike? You write: “all the ignition system as it was not running well at all, sourced an ultrasonic carburettor off ebay” . This sentence is not clear for me.
    Is it a real ultrasonic carburettor, making the carburation (pulverization) through ultrasound, or do I misunderstand something? You know, the original carburettor is a hungarian invention by Janos Csonka, his son invented the micro carburettor making very fine carburation. I am interested, is it a new invention, or You had only cleaned up your carburettor with an ultrasound device?
    Waiting your kind answere
    Yours sincerely
    Tamás Pásztor

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