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Motorcycles in pre-war Germany Pictures

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Many thanks to Gregg Galzerano for these pictures. They show his Grandfather (Far L sitting high) before WW11 in Germany on his NSU. He told him that the Nazis took the motorcycle and used it for the war. They said it would be him or the bike. He later went  to work on the V1 and 2 rockets before being captured by the Americans with Dr. Von Braun and sent to the US under Operation Paper Clip.  And thanks to Bernie Stevens for identifying the bikes in the picture… they are Left to right Gregg’s father is sitting on a 1936 NSU-D RAD 201 pony, next NSU 251 OSL 1937, the next one is not easy but I think it’s a ARDIE DBK 503 1936, and last is another NSU 201 pony.

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
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  • Year:
  • Decade: 1930s
  • Machine Type: Road

One Response to “Motorcycles in pre-war Germany”

  1. Thank you for keeping us updated. I quite appreciate it and discover all of the information really useful.

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