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Velocette LE Pictures

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Wonder if you can help identify this machine.
I saved it from the scrap yard crusher!
No markings of any kind i can see,
It has a flat 2 water cooled engine.
Many thanks, Geoff

  • Manufacturer: Velocette
  • Model: LE
  • Engine: 200cc
  • Year:
  • Decade: 1950s
  • Machine Type: Road

3 Responses to “Velocette LE”

  1. admin-pictures on May 20, 2011 @ 7:35 am

    Good find Geoff! It’s a water-cooled Velocette LE. Quite a popular bike with many enthusiasts (and not so popular with others!).

  2. Popularly nicknamed Noddy Bike, this very quiet Bike was pretty extensively used by Police forces in the fifties, sadly the development costs in its design had a detrimental effect on the much loved Velocette marque, I always loved this little machine, I don’t think they were ever exported to where I now live, Canada, pity, I might have been able to find that “near perfect example”‘ lying next to that Vincent that I know I’ll find one day!!

  3. Robert Jones on May 26, 2013 @ 2:45 pm

    It could be a 149cc LE Velo. If so it should be saved and restored as it is a rare machine. I had 1950 LE as my first bike. They are slow but very pleasant to ride, very comfortable and easy to maintain once refurbished and made sound. There is a good club to offer support.

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