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1940 Ariel W/NG Pictures

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Thanks to John Wood for this picture of his Grandfather on his Ariel during the war.   And thanks also to John Mitchell for pointing out that the bike is a 350cc Ariel model W/NG ie a military version of the pre war 350cc NG.

The W/NG had a slightly higher frame and a cross country gearbox. ie three close spaced low gears for making good progress over difficult terrain and then a big jump in ratio to top gear for main road cruising..

  • Manufacturer:
  • Model:
  • Engine:
  • Year: 1940
  • Decade: 1940s
  • Machine Type:

One Response to “1940 Ariel W/NG”

  1. Jeremy Van Dyke on June 15, 2011 @ 9:30 pm

    I found an Ariel W/NG in 2003, it still had the tyers and dirt on it from 1945! This bike is as it was when the RCAF gave it to the Dutch Army. I love my Ariel and still ride it whenever I can. It is an amazing machine and runs like a clock. Who can say that there bike lived through the War and is still running today! The Ariel should also be noted as to being the the second most sought after WW2 Mortorbike, next to the Matchless 3GL. The Matchless gets top place only because it was the first bike to ever have telescopic front forks, and they always leaked! Jeremyjvandyke@mac.com

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