It is nice to see this bike as I was the person that found it in the late 1950s and restored it but did not assemble it. I sold it to John Diamond who put it all together and would like to know if he still owns it.
i hope someone can answer my prayers and give me any info on these bikes as Ive just inheriated one or should i say 3/4 of one im really struggling to find any parts for it i.e new carb, brakes etc. Any advice is welcome no matter how small it may seem
As a new visitor to this site I was delighted to see Brian’s note. Yes, I still have it and have covered many miles, mostly at high speed. The above photo must have been taken at a Malory Park (1000 bikes ?) event. Concours awards were won at the TT rally and Stafford Show. Almost 10 years late but I hope that Brian finds this. J.D.
It is nice to see this bike as I was the person that found it in the late 1950s and restored it but did not assemble it. I sold it to John Diamond who put it all together and would like to know if he still owns it.
i hope someone can answer my prayers and give me any info on these bikes as Ive just inheriated one or should i say 3/4 of one im really struggling to find any parts for it i.e new carb, brakes etc. Any advice is welcome no matter how small it may seem
As a new visitor to this site I was delighted to see Brian’s note. Yes, I still have it and have covered many miles, mostly at high speed. The above photo must have been taken at a Malory Park (1000 bikes ?) event. Concours awards were won at the TT rally and Stafford Show. Almost 10 years late but I hope that Brian finds this. J.D.